Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | stairs OCR: Common to bath is their continual harping ua the in- significance of the humar being in the cosmic scheme and the reign of (ta use Van Gogh's phrase) "an infinitely pow. erful force Elsewhere Van Gogh tells Theo: "We see more and more that we are not good no more than the world ir general of which we but an atom Van Gogh's in- terest in the different calars af the stars corresponds Flammarion's pioneering abserva tions in this area; see Complete Letters cit 1 pp. 195 (Letter 338) 273 (Letter 359 IIIp 588 (Letter 499; Flammarion Astronome popu- laire op pp. 688 747 750 -751 Les eroiles op cat. 197ff. human colors observations Cowmlete etolles